Eclectic Eccentricity

The assorted ramblings of Aunty Bertha - west coast socialist

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Do you know who is influencing your children?

Why is it that some people need to use homophobia as a means to control others by giving it the power of shame?

Case in point. My son was chatting with a team member and his coach asked if they were dating. A little later, my son was talking with another team member and his coach asked if they were in love. This was the coach's way to try and keep the boys from talking. All it did was further erode my son's already disintegrating respect for this man.


I have never really come this close to homophobia from an adult before and I am quite horrified.

The gender of partners has never been of issue in our family. Some members of our family have partners of the opposite gender and others have partners of the same gender.

The fact that a person in a position of influence tried to use shame as a means of gaining my son's compliance is offensive.

The fact that a person in a position of influence has given my son any indication that being gay is something to be ashamed of is reprehensible.

I am proud of my son for not letting a lousy coach chase him away from a game that he otherwise enjoys.


At 11:08 a.m., Blogger ricky said...


Good for you and your son. Had a incident with my 20 year old daughter in Williamsd Lake this weekend. She was out with friends who had a friend along. He started in on gays and she was not at all pleased.


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